How to apply to Arc Nursery for a childcare place.
  • How to apply to Arc Nursery for a childcare place.

How to apply

We operate an equality of opportunity policy and ensure that all children have access to nursery places and services irrespective of their gender, race, Disability, religion, colour and creed, or sexual orientation of parents or carers.

The Arc Nursery operates a first come first served basis for those children who have been on the waiting list the longest, although those with siblings already at the nursery do get priority. Other factors deciding which child can be offered a place in the nursery are things such as extenuating circumstances affecting the child’s welfare or the welfare of his/her family.

Sign Up For Our Waiting List

To apply for a place on the waiting list please download, fill out and send back the application form after paying your £100.00 non-refundable registration fee. You can do this either by bringing it back to us here at The Arc in person and handing it in, or by sending it through the post to The Arc Nursery, 39 Crosby Row, London, SE1 3YD.

For more information about the waiting list or to book a visit to have a look around the nursery, please contact the nursery on 020 7378 7532 or email

Download our Application Form

Learn about the application process, waiting lists, our equal opportunities policy, sibling priority and more here.

How to apply

We operate an equality of opportunity policy and ensure that all children have access to nursery places and services irrespective of their gender, race, Disability, religion, colour and creed, or sexual orientation of parents or carers.

The Arc Nursery operates a first come first served basis for those children who have been on the waiting list the longest, although those with siblings already at the nursery do get priority. Other factors deciding which child can be offered a place in the nursery are things such as extenuating circumstances affecting the child’s welfare or the welfare of his/her family.

Sign Up For Our Waiting List

To apply for a place on the waiting list please download, fill out and send back the application form after paying your £100.00 non-refundable registration fee. You can do this either by bringing it back to us here at The Arc in person and handing it in, or by sending it through the post to The Arc Nursery, 39 Crosby Row, London, SE1 3YD.

For more information about the waiting list or to book a visit to have a look around the nursery, please contact the nursery on 020 7378 7532 or email

Download our Application Form

Government Funded Places

All settings registered to accept government funding (detailed in the code of practice) must offer up to 15 hours per week nursery provision places for children aged three to four years old, as specified by the local authority. The Arc is an approved childcare provider and proudly takes part in this scheme. If your child is between three and five years old and lives in England, you’re entitled to 15 hours Free Early Education Entitlement childcare per week for 38 weeks of the year (during term time). This comes to a total of 570 hours over a 12-month period.

The Government also provide parent working funding to eligible parents for 9-month-olds and two-year-olds, to check to see if you are eligible go onto the HMRC website and answer a few simple questions to find out.

We offer 6 spaces to 3–5-year-olds, 2 spaces to 2-year-olds and 2 spaces to 9 months old, this is offered across 5 sessions (9 am-12 pm, or 1 pm-4 pm) this includes a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. These spaces are subject to availability and will be allocated on a first come basis.

We also offer additional spaces available for parents who require extra hours of childcare above the free 15 hours. Parents will have to pay for any additional time added on top of the free 15 hours of childcare. Meals, snacks, and nappies will be provided free of charge for any additional hours purchased and you will be invoiced monthly for these.

Download our nursery application form to get started.

Government Funded Places

All settings registered to accept government funding (detailed in the code of practice) must offer up to 15 hours per week nursery provision places for children aged three to four years old, as specified by the local authority. The Arc is an approved childcare provider and proudly takes part in this scheme. If your child is between three and five years old and lives in England, you’re entitled to 15 hours Free Early Education Entitlement childcare per week for 38 weeks of the year (during term time). This comes to a total of 570 hours over a 12-month period.

The Government also provide parent working funding to eligible parents for 9-month-olds and two-year-olds, to check to see if you are eligible go onto the HMRC website and answer a few simple questions to find out.

We offer 6 spaces to 3–5-year-olds, 2 spaces to 2-year-olds and 2 spaces to 9 months old, this is offered across 5 sessions (9 am-12 pm, or 1 pm-4 pm) this includes a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. These spaces are subject to availability and will be allocated on a first come basis.

We also offer additional spaces available for parents who require extra hours of childcare above the free 15 hours. Parents will have to pay for any additional time added on top of the free 15 hours of childcare. Meals, snacks, and nappies will be provided free of charge for any additional hours purchased and you will be invoiced monthly for these.

“Leaders and practitioners show genuine passion about the children and the role they play in their learning and development. Leaders know what they want children to learn. Practitioners plan experiences and activities to build on the skills and knowledge children already have.”

—Ofsted Report (July 24)

“Leaders and practitioners show genuine passion about the children and the role they play in their learning and development. Leaders know what they want children to learn. Practitioners plan experiences and activities to build on the skills and knowledge children already have.”

—Ofsted Report (July 24)

Arc Nursery supports a number of free, Government-funded nursery places for eligible children aged 9 months plus.
  • Arc Nursery supports a number of free, Government-funded nursery places for eligible children aged 9 months plus.

Please get in touch

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